Our Blogs

We love educating our clients, so we have curated and shared posts filled with helpful information regarding pet care.

Veterinary Blog

Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Falmouth Veterinary Hospital team.

Overweight Pets

Overweight Pets

Created in Video Newsroom, Health Topics According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 43% of all dogs and 53% of all cats are classified as overweight. What's worse is that an additional 10% of all dogs and 19% of all cats are considered obese!...

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Battling Canine Cancer

Battling Canine Cancer

Created in Video Newsroom, Health Topics Every day, Cindy Fleischner lines up her crew of cuddly canines for breakfast. As the four other dogs eat, Cindy pulls Katy, her 12 year old Shepherd mix aside for a peanut butter treat. Katy is battling lymphoma and this treat...

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What We Do

What We Do

Created in Today's Veterinarian Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Surgeons are medical professionals whose primary responsibility is protecting the health and welfare of animals and people. The term "veterinarian" comes from veterinae, which means "working...

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You & Your Vet

You & Your Vet

Created in Today's Veterinarian Your veterinarian will rely on your awareness of small changes in your pet's behavior or habits. As the pet owner, you must communicate your pet's health care needs to your veterinarian. No one knows your pet like you. Many signs of...

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Client Survey

Created in Client Survey Download & Print Client Survey If you do not already have AdobeReader® installed on your computer, Click Here to download. Please download the Client Survey, and fill in the requested information. You can either email, mail, fax, or hand...

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Wellness Coloring Book

Created in Pets4Kids Picking the Right Pet Welcome Your New Pet Home Pets Need Proper Grooming Feed Your Pet a Good Diet Training Your Pet Pets Love to Play! Pets Can Get Sick Just Like You

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The Benefits of Regular Pet Check-Ups

The Benefits of Regular Pet Check-Ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to ensure your pet's overall health and wellbeing. Preventive care is a crucial aspect of pet ownership, and regular check-ups can help detect health issues before they become serious problems. In this blog post, we'll...

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